My evolving “journey”: chronic pain sufferer to purpose-driven young professional

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Daily migraines led to healthier living—who knew?

As someone trying to find my footing in adulthood, I’ve taken to the internet, as of course we Millennials do, to master all things adulting and work. What started out as casual blog reading and podcast listening, though, has led me down a rabbit hole I never thought I, an avid “get-stuff-done” kind of girl, would fall into.

My “journey,” as we’ll call it, began long before I’d ever admit to calling it a journey. I’ve suffered from chronic daily migraines for as long as I can remember. I’d exhausted most varieties of headache-related doctors before age 21, so as I graduated from college and found myself with a bit more time on my hands in the working world, I decided it was time to get to the bottom of this. After all, I did say I’m a “get-stuff-done” kind of girl. My search for an answer to chronic pain, or even just a little relief, has led me to numerous fantastic resources on healthy living and well-being.

I wondered… can I help others while also helping myself?

Photo by Julian Lozano on Unsplash

Truthfully, I don’t have a natural interest in wellness. I’ve always considered myself to be more motivated by helping others than by helping myself. Given that interest, my podcast listening and blog reading gradually shifted from solely the topic of how to relieve my pain to how I could create well-being in my life and in the lives of others.

“Don’t quit your day job”—in a good way!

There are many blog and podcasts I love, and I’ll be sure to share my favorites, but I had one problem with what I was hearing and reading. I loved my job. While that may not sound like a problem, I had trouble resonating with and applying what I was learning to my daily life, since it felt like much of what I was reading and listening to suggested becoming an entrepreneur as a way towards a happier, healthier, and more purposeful life. What about us 9-5ers?

I felt like I was doing something wrong by having and actually liking a traditional corporate job. But once I looked around, I realized I was surrounded by others just like me—young professionals hoping for a life and career that allowed them to give to themselves and others while not quitting their day job.

So, here’s to all the purpose-driven, wellbeing-conscious folks out there. Check back every Thursday and Sunday for new posts with updates and tips on how you can create, not “find,” purpose and wellness in your day-to-day life.